This might simply be a colleague so they can also access and assist you in managing the account, or to simply run reports or to look after the billing side of things for your business.
Perhaps you may just want to invite a Paid Ads specialist to access your account so they can review your campaigns and provide you with their recommendations.
Whatever the reason, adding a new user to your account may not be something you instantly know how to do or the steps you need to take in order to provide that access.
Here, we have provided a simple guide to help you with exactly how to do this.
From within your Google Ads account, click on the “Tools And Settings” option (hint: this has a spanner icon) at the top right of the Google Ads interface/page.
This will reveal a drop down menu of available options listed under 6 headings. These headings are:
Under the heading “Setup”, find and click on the “Access and Security” option.
From a new page titled “Access and Security”, you will now see three options at the top of the page for managing access to your Google Ads account.
These options are Users, Managers and Security. You will already be on the “Users” option by default.
Below these options you will see a table of the current users that have access to your account. This table will also show the last time they signed in, their access level, their authentication method for accessing the account, who they were invited by, the date they were added to the account and also an option for removing their access.
For the purposes of this guide on adding a new user, click the blue circle with the white plus sign which is located top left of this table.
You will now be presented with the opportunity to invite someone to access your Google Ads account.
This comes in two parts.
The first part is to enter their email address. (Please note: To access your Google Ads account they will need to have a Google Account and should they not have one already associated with this email address, they will be prompted to create one on receiving their invitation.)
After entering the email address of the user you would like to invite, the second part is to select the level of access this new user will have for your account.
These account access level options are:
There is also a table with information on what the user will be able to see and have access to, within your Google Ads account. When selecting Email Only, you will be given email subscription options to select for that new user.
Finally, once you have entered the email address and made your choice for the level of access, click the blue button “Send Invitation”.
That’s it! You have now invited a new user to access your Google Ads account.
They will receive an invitation email and will need to accept that invitation before they can access your account. You will also receive an email, notifying you a new user (and their access level) was invited to access your Google Ads account.
Until the new user accepts your invitation, their access status within your account will be listed as “Awaiting response”.
IMPORTANT NOTE: If you see an error message in red that states “This email address isn’t in an allowed domain. To make changes to the allowed domain list, contact an account administrator.” – this is because the security on the Google Ads account does not recognise that domain and access is restricted. This domain will need to be added in order to allow email addresses using it to be invited to your account.
Good news! – we have a simple guide for you on how to do this here
If you need advice or assistance with the running of your Google Ads or with any aspect of your Paid Media strategy, simply reach out to us.