How To Setup New Billing In Your Google Ads Account

If you are new to Google Ads and yet to get started with this powerful advertising platform, you may need to update or edit your billing information.

To begin advertising on Google Ads, you need to have fully completed your Payments Profile.

This profile would have been started at the same time your Google Ads account was created. It contains and controls all of your billing information and is where payments for your Google Ads account can be managed.

However, not everyone completes all of their billing information at the time of creating their account and often this may need to be updated before your business can start advertising.

Complete Your Google Ads Billing Setup

Here, we have put together a simple guide to finalise your Google Ads billing setup when your Payments Profile was not completed during the account creation.

Before you can begin reviewing or editing your Payments Profile in Google Ads, you first need to complete the Billing Setup.

When this is not done at the time of the account being created, when you try to locate and select any billing related part of the account, it will simply divert you to the new billing setup page.

This page starts off with the Payments Set-up, where you set out who is responsible and how they will pay for the Google Ads costs within the account.

Step 1 – Billing Country

The first option is the Billing Country and although this can be changed, it will be initially set to the country first chosen at the time the account was created (Note: for the purpose of this guide we will be selecting the United Kingdom).

The second part of this is the Currency, however this will be fixed now and by what was first selected during account creation.

Step 2 – Account Type

The first part is to select the Type and this setting is permanent and may be used in verifying tax and identity. There are two options:

Organisation – a business, organisation, partnership or for an educational institute.

Individual – this is when your account is for your own personal use and payments.

The options that follow will differ slightly depending on your selection and account type. (Note: For the purposes of this guide, we will be selecting Organisation).

Step 3 – Account Purpose

This option is for setting out the “purpose of use” for the account. It is a permanent setting and will affect the assessment and reporting of VAT.

There are two options to choose from here:

Business – where the account is for business or commercial purposes.

Eligible Non-Business – only if the account is for political, charitable or non-profit purposes.

Step 4 – Tax Information

This is where, as an organisation account type, you can input any tax statuses as determined by your country. For the United Kingdom, this is where a VAT number can be applied.

Step 5 – Name and Address

This is your legal name and the address for your business or organisation

Step 6 – Primary Contacts

For each Payments Profile, there has to be one Primary contact, the person who is responsible for receiving and dealing with all payment emails.

This person will also be the one who Google Ads will contact with any payment related queries or concerns.

The Primary Contact cannot be deleted however you can reassign this role to another user.

Details required are contact name and email address, with a phone number being optional.

Step 7 – How You Make Payments

Most accounts will have Automatic Payments, where you only pay for the service after you have incurred actual costs in your account.

The charges will be made automatically on the 1st of each month or at any time your account balance reaches your payment threshold.

This service is for business or commercial purposes only, with the assessment and reporting of VAT being your responsibility.

The second part of how you make payments is selecting and setting up the Payment Method. This is determined by the country and the type of payment selected.

For our guide, of an Organisation in the United Kingdom, there are three payment options:

  • Credit or Debit card
  • Bank Account
  • Paypal

Verification will be required for both Paypal and Bank account payment methods.

The final part of the payments set up is to agree to the Google Ads terms and conditions.

Once you are happy with all of the information you have entered and agreed to the T&C’s, click the blue “Submit” button.

You have now completed the New Billing Setup in your Payments Profile.

If you need advice or assistance with the running of your Google Ads or with any aspect of your Paid Media strategy, simply reach out to us.